are you a true walnut?

A walnut is the nut of any tree of the genus Juglans (Family Juglandaceae), particularly the Persian or English walnut, Juglans regia. Technically a walnut is a drupe or drupaceous nut, and thus not a true botanical nut. It is used for food after being processed while green for pickled walnuts or after full ripening for its nutmeat. Nutmeat of the eastern black walnut from the Juglans nigra is less commercially available, as are butternut nutmeats from Juglans cinerea. The walnut is nutrient-dense with protein and essential fatty acids.

Walnuts are rounded, single-seeded stone fruits of the walnut tree commonly used for the meat after fully ripening. Following full ripening, the removal of the husk reveals the wrinkly walnut shell, which is usually commercially found in two segments (three-segment shells can also form). During the ripening process, the husk will become brittle and the shell hard. The shell encloses the kernel or meat, which is usually made up of two halves separated by a partition. The seed kernels – commonly available as shelled walnuts – are enclosed in a brown seed coat which contains antioxidants. The antioxidants protect the oil-rich seed from atmospheric oxygen, thereby preventing rancidity.

Created by: bill
  1. are you a large wrinkled edible seed of a deciduous tree?
  2. do you consist of two halves?
  3. are you contained within a hard shell that is enclosed in a green fruit?
  4. Are you the nut of any tree in the genus Juglans?
  5. are you grown and harvested the most in China, Iran and the United States?
  6. does poor storage make you susceptible to insect and fungal mold infestations?
  7. Are you enclosed in a brown seed coat that contains anti-oxidants?
  8. Do your hulls contain phenolics that stain hands and can cause skin irritation
  9. Do you contain the ellagitannin pedunculagin?
  10. Are you the main ingredient of Fesenjan, a khoresh (stew) in Iranian cuisine?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true walnut?