are you a totally radical surfer or a sweaty melvin

have you ever wondered if your a stinky melvin or a totally gnar surfer? well look no further for now you have the quiz that will answer is that very question

you may have to sit down for this one. maybe lay on your surf board....or maybe on your blanky ahahahhah naw I didn't mean that that's messed up man.

Created by: cody lancearmstrong
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are at the store about to buy your totally fav food:
  2. your going to watch your top pick tv show:
  3. how do you eat animal crackers
  4. hey dude wantda go to the beach?
  5. you see a massive wave heading your way you:
  6. hey what video game are you playing?
  7. hey dude gonna head to the store to pick up some soda! what kind do you want?
  8. world war II......thoughts?
  9. dude we need some epic tunes.... got any?
  10. is god real?
  11. what would you do if you saw a ghost?

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Quiz topic: Am I a totally radical surfer or a sweaty melvin