are you a total geek

there are many cool people out there but there are few true geeks. a geek is some one that loves things like chest test and other weird things you could like. try it and you can find out your true new answer, take it again for fun if you didn't like your answer

I bet you wonder if you are a geek well when you take this quiz or if you take this quiz you can find out and end your wondering. try it and you will hopefully love it. give it a good try to see what you are. be happy with your answer and if not try again later

Created by: Audrey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like country music?
  2. do you like chest
  3. do you like chest
  4. do you like pocket protecters
  5. would you wear over alls
  6. are you a geek
  7. do you like to wear your pants up high
  8. do you love home work
  9. do you love tests
  10. do you like to study

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Quiz topic: Am I a total geek