Are you a Therian?

In this is a quiz that can help you find out if you are or are not a Therian! You might have heard from other quizzes that they are not a 100% accurate

I hope that you will be satisfied with the results of this quiz! Some of my friends have taken this quiz and they are Therians aswell, and it got them correct so I hope it will do the same for you.

Created by: Therian Gurl
  1. Do you know what a Therian is?
  2. Do you feel connected to a certain animal(s)?
  3. What animal do you feel connected to?
  4. Do you feel connected to any of the following places?
  5. What best suits you?
  6. Why are you here?
  7. How do you know about Therians?
  8. How much do you think you are a Therian?
  9. Do you like to walk on all fours?
  10. Do you ever experience things like feeling a tail or ears that aren't there?
  11. Do you feel connected to nature?
  12. Finally, do you find yourself making animal noises without purposely making them?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Therian?
