Are you a sweetheart?

There are many sweethearts, but are you one? Many people may think thy are. But once they take this teat they find out other wise. Will that be you? Or will you be a true sweetheart?

Are YOU a sweetheart? Do you have the guts to find out? Well for a while you could trust your friends. Well now you can trust a quiz to find out now. You can trust me as well!

Created by: KaSandra

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do your friends consider you a goud friend?
  2. why do you think your sweet?
  3. do you like me?
  4. do you help a friend in need?
  5. why are you a gerk?
  6. is it true that girls are sweeter than boys?
  7. are you a girl
  8. Do people think your sweet?
  9. Are you a girl or boy?
  10. How old are you?
  11. People say that girlz are sweeter than guys is that true?
  12. If i came to you in a time of need would you help me?
  13. most people think that you are what your fave color iz so wats yours?
  14. do you think im kool?

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Quiz topic: Am I a sweetheart?