Are you a sharon osbourne fan?

There are alot of people who say they know everthing about their favorite celebritiy, but do you everything about Sharon Osbourne? I know I do because she is my role model. She is also the most fantastic and fabulous people ever!!!!!!!!!

I made this quiz to see how many people actually knew stuff about her. Or if people even knew she existed at all. Well I hope you score well on this quiz and that you like it alot!!!!!!!! Have fun!!!! And remember to stay fabulous know matter what!!!!!!

Created by: nikki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When was Sharon Osbourne born?
  2. What is her maiden name?
  3. Who is she married to?
  4. What are her kids names?
  5. What type of cancer did she have?
  6. What shows is she a judge on?
  7. As a child, what did she want to be when she grew up?
  8. Has she had plastic surgery?
  9. How much plastic surgery has she had?
  10. Who did she have an affair with?
  11. This is the last question. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a sharon osbourne fan?