Are you a Schoolian or a NOT Schoolian?

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A Schoolian is someone who loves to read and never has time for fun. And always passes all the given test. Well someone who is a Schoolian can rarely have fun.

A "Not" Schoolian always have fun and doesn't pay much attention to reading and school stuff. But, Work Hard, Play Hard. So let's find out where you belong!

Created by: Charlie Philips
  1. What is your definition of school?
  2. Where do you stand?
  3. Do you have friends at school?
  4. What's your favourite thing to do?
  5. What's your favourite subject?
  6. How many times have you ran for president?
  7. Have you ever passed a test?
  8. Have you ever failed a test?
  9. Do you ever have fun?
  10. What will you be in the future?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Schoolian or a NOT Schoolian?