Are You a Rob Zombie Fan?

This is a pretty complete quiz. It has T&F, Lyric completion, and regular multiple choice. They range from easy to hard, and will test you wholly! Beware of harsh result messages for low scoring!

So, you think you know it all? Let's see...prove your love of the Zombie, and when your done, that "X" in your head will shine with pride and glory! Proceed to the quiz Reject!

Created by: Amber
  1. What is Rob Zombie's Real Name?
  2. What was the band Zombie headed before going solo?
  3. What Pet does RZ Own?
  4. What was the name of Rob's remix cd?
  5. What video game did Rob appear in?
  6. True or False Rob animated a sequence in Beavis and Butt Head Do America?
  7. What is one of Rob's Favorite Movies?
  8. What comic book did Rob create?
  9. What show did Rob work on early on?
  10. What band is Rob's brother a memeber of?
  11. True or False? Rob hosted a cable show, where he showed classic films nightly
  12. True or False? Rob directs his own music videos
  13. What is the famous car of Rob?
  14. Which of the following did Rob duet with?
  15. True or False? Rob has a song on the Matrix Reloaded OST>
  16. Finish the Lyric: And out of the darkness the zombie did call true ____ and ____
  17. Finish this lyrics: Unholy just like you, yeah _______
  18. Finish this lyric: out behind the ___ slaugheting the ____ slice along the belly, feed it to the ___

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Quiz topic: Am I a Rob Zombie Fan?