Are you a Republican or a Democrat ?

Are you a conservative or a liberal ?Do you belong to the GOP or DEM ?Are you ready for a great political discover ? So, let's go for the political quiz....

Will you be Republican or Democratic ?A Republican like the ones that abolished slavery and put freedom firstA Democratic like the ones that created wars : Civil war, Vietnam war or Afghanistan war

Created by: Arno
  1. A free market is necessary for people's prosperity and freedom ?
  2. The United States of America is the best country in the World ?
  3. Are you pro-life or pro-choice ?
  4. Which economist is the best ?
  5. Which president is the best ?
  6. What is your religion ?
  7. Are you pro or anti guns ?
  8. What is your race ?
  9. Which State is best ?
  10. Is religion important for you ?
  11. Should we restrict immigration ?
  12. Islam is a threat to our democracy ?
  13. Rich people should pay more taxes ?
  14. Climate change is a threat ?
  15. Should GAFAM have a power of censor ?
  16. Same sex mariage is immoral ?
  17. More power to the federal government or to the States ?
  18. Should we have prayers in school ?
  19. Who is the best actor ?
  20. Which city is the best ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Republican or a Democrat ?
