are you a really true emo or a wannabe?

As you know theres many wannabe emo kids outside (FREACKS).Emo is beeing yourself not a fake persone.Some people may discribe the word emo as emotional but i considered it emo fever everybody always trying to be emo.

Are you does type of freacks.What are you?Are you the origanal paper or just a plain copy?Haha copys is beeing a looser what are you are you the one with the big capitalized letters?Wait and you would find out!!

Created by: zury
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you do when you see a real emo persone?
  2. do you like black?
  3. whats beeing emo to you?
  4. what kind of cloths are you wearing?
  5. what do you considered yourself?
  6. do you cut yourself?
  7. what type of hair style you have?
  8. how do you feel when someone calls you emo?
  9. why are you taking this quiz?
  10. would you like to be emo?

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Quiz topic: Am I a really true emo or a wannabe?