Are You a Real Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir Fan?/

Are you a true fan of Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir if so than please answer the following 25 questions and you will see how many you got right . Do not let that bother you ok?

GOOD LUCK. I hope that you are happy with the final result when you get them now off you must go to this amazing quiz. You can try to beat it and if you can not click off and find something easy but it is funny sometimes by the ways.

Created by: Ladybug fan
  1. Who is Marinette's Bff?
  2. Who is Nino?
  3. What super power did Volpina ' s have when she was akumatized ?
  4. Who is behind the mask of Ladybug?
  5. How old is Marinette?
  6. Why was Marinette crying in Loveeater?
  7. Is Marinette ALWAYS nice?
  8. IS Alya dating someone?
  9. Who is behind the mask of Rena rouge? And what episode did we first meet her?
  10. Does Ayla have twin sisters?
  11. What food does Plagg always loves.
  12. Does Cat Noir make puns?
  13. What episode did Ladybug make a joke that impressed Cat Noir?
  14. Does Marinette like Cat Noir?
  15. ''I have a Great voice you know''. Who said that?
  16. In Prime Queen, Did they say they were in love?
  17. Do you think Luka is hotter or Adrien?
  18. What is Marinette 's dad's worst nightmare?
  19. What is Marinette 's Dad 's name?
  20. What name does Marinette's mom has.
  21. Who is behind the mask of Cat Noir?
  22. Does Chloe hate Marinette ' s guts or is it Lila?
  23. Do you think Luka likes Marinette more than a friend?
  24. Is Adrien showing signs that he likes Chloe?
  25. Does Luka like Chloe?

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