Are you a pretty girl?

"Do you think you are pretty? Many people do but they are not sure about themselves.My quiz will help you determine if you are pretty kind of or not."

"You know that your pretty but your not for sure come take my quiz and i garente that you will find the right answers gor yourself what are you waiting for..."

Created by: star123 of
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. do boys ask you out?
  3. do boys tell you that youre pretty or compliment you?
  4. do you think you are pretty?
  5. does anyone tell you that youre pretty?
  6. do you have braces?
  7. do you wear glasses?
  8. do you have a big nose?
  9. do you think you are fat?
  10. do you have zits pimples bumps or marks on your face?
  11. do you think you are too tall or short?

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Quiz topic: Am I a pretty girl?