Are you a predator

Many people think they are predatory but there are layers to being a predator. Are you a wolverine? Are you a wolf? Are you a eagle? Are you a dog? Are you a horse" Or are you a bunny? How much do you crave meat. Or would you rather munch grass.

Test yourself are you the hunter or the unfortunate prey? Are you social or a loner? How jealous of your mate and things are you? How do you like your steak or is a salad more to your liking. Are you a party animal or shy and retiring.

Created by: Ken Webb of Facebook
(your link here more info)
  1. Which Animal do you most identify with?
  2. When engaging in conversation how important is eye contact?
  3. How do you approach someone?
  4. What part do you take in a conversation?
  5. What do you like to eat?
  6. Where do you feel most comfortable
  7. How many close friends do you have
  8. How do you feel about romance
  9. How do you feel about families?
  10. How do you feel about your things and sharing

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Quiz topic: Am I a predator