are you a popular person or a geek? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz are you a popular person or a geek?

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  • But I hate socialising.

    And I wouldn’t go to the store with anyone except my mom or my aunt.

    And, I only got like... four.
    AND... this girl likes girls. :,)

  • hmmmmmmmmmmm i love shopping

    miss berry rose
  • are you a popular person or a geek?
    Your Result: your a geek!

    so, you may not be as fashoinable as the populars but you shouldn't care if you don't have intrest in that stuff. you care about education and the enviroment more instead of clothes and who's-dating-who. so what if you don't have many friends, to be honest one or two is enough. and there's no need to try and change who you are, just be yourself.

    Sad face :( I ain't that big a geek.......

  • Your Result: your popular!

    like most popular people you have a high fashoin sense. you also have loads of friends and your always social. for example if you went somewhere, e.g. shopping, you'd always bring your mobile and a friend. but don't just be friends with the other popular kids, try to be nice to everyone. that way you could become more popular.

    I getting freaked out about on all of these quizzes it always says im popular....

  • Your Result: your popular!

    like most popular people you have a high fashoin sense. you also have loads of friends and your always social. for example if you went somewhere, e.g. shopping, you'd always bring your mobile and a friend. but don't just be friends with the other popular kids, try to be nice to everyone. that way you could become more popular.

    im happy with my results and all but honestly idc wut others think of me =)

  • Your Result: your popular!

    like most popular people you have a high fashoin sense. you also have loads of friends and your always social. for example if you went somewhere, e.g. shopping, you'd always bring your mobile and a friend. but don't just be friends with the other popular kids, try to be nice to everyone. that way you could become more popular.

    your a geek!

    SWEET whatever doesnt matter to me im neither so YAY me!!

  • the truth is im neither hahaha

    but heyy if you want to think im popularr go 4 it haha

    with love..

  • Lmfao Wow, how obvious is it that a kid wrote this piece of s---? So I'm popular because I know what this crap abercrombie and fitch is? Learn to spell sweetheart and go get a life, lmfao.

    baby Im a anarchist
  • i'm a geek! x3

  • Your Result: your popular!

    like most popular people you have a high fashoin sense. you also have loads of friends and your always social. for example if you went somewhere, e.g. shopping, you'd always bring your mobile and a friend. but don't just be friends with the other popular kids, try to be nice to everyone. that way you could become more popular.

    your a geek!
    Really I'm neither if these. but w/e

    Puppy xo1

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