Are You A Pokèmon Master?

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Some people hate Pokèmon. Some people like Pokèmon. Take this quiz to see how much of a Pokemon Nerd you are today! Enter if you dare... Now, let's battle!

If you have played Pokèmon before, you should take this quiz. Are you a Professor or Ash Ketchem (biggest noob of all time). You need to have some knowledge of Pokemon.

Created by: James
  1. How many Pokèmon are there total?
  2. What is the heaviest Pokèmon?
  3. What Pokèmon is #282 in the National Pokèdex?
  4. Palkia is the Pokèmon Devil. True or False?
  5. Arceus created which Pokèmon at the beginning?
  6. Snivy is which type of snake Pokèmon?
  7. Eevee can evolve into a Espeon when exposed to what?
  8. Gardevoir can create this to protect the trainer.
  9. Metagross is the only pysodo-legendary Pokèmon that can't learn a dragon type move. True or False?
  10. Typhosion is the only fully evolved fire-type starter Pokèmon that is only a fire type. True or false?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Pokèmon Master?