Are you a Plastic, or just Fantastic?

There many people who are all about what is cool and how great they are. but few can prove it,so do you think you are one of them? Are you one of the Perfect Plastic's or just a Fantastic person who is in touch with the real world?

are you a Plastic or are you just Fantastic? The results can be, and often are suprising for many. So are you Fabulous enough? Well take the quiz and see how you measure up. Go ahead I dare ya!

Created by: Matthew
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long does it take you to be ready in the morning?
  2. When you shop for new clothes, you go to the...
  3. While shopping you...
  4. You have your hair done by...
  5. You get a mannie and a peddie at a...
  6. Your purse is...
  7. You are in what clubs?
  8. So, when you watch TV you usually tune into...
  9. In highschool You are more likely to be voted...
  10. You think you are...

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Quiz topic: Am I a Plastic, or just Fantastic?