Are you a Nintendo fan?

Nintendo is a very good gaming company. Pretty much the company that saved the gaming industry and made it the widespread industry it is today. They also have a very rich and entertaining lore and multiple facts.

But, do you know much about Nintendo? Are you allowed to call yourself a Nintendo fan? Well maybe you can find out by taking this short and simple quiz. Most of these questions revolve around Nintendo facts, like code names of consoles and developers scarf colors.

Created by: Joseph Kuester
  1. Why was the Famicom's color scheme red?
  2. What phrase was used to promote the Game Boy?
  3. What special powerful item from another very well-known franchise series was a collectible in KSS' The Great Cave Offensive?
  4. Who created the Super Smash Bros. series in 1999?
  5. What old Nintendo tune is slowed down to make the GCN start up screen?
  6. What was the slogan for the DS?
  7. How many megabytes did the Wii have in storage and internal storage?
  8. What was the code name for the Wii?
  9. What did the 3DS use to project it's amazing non-glasses 3D screen?
  10. What is the name of Nintendo's online social media?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Nintendo fan?