are you a mermaid

do you whant to know if you are a mermaid or merman take this qiz if yes then take it and this is only for you belevers you non blever i am going to crush you

are you willing to be a mermaid and know if you are one now and mabe you might even be the presest one or hasomest one yet have a very fishy day that funny

Created by: kelsey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you beleve
  2. do you wan to be one
  3. are you nice or mean
  4. if you were a mermaid what coler would it be
  5. what your style
  6. are you happy
  7. do you have a pool
  8. do you like the ocean
  9. cfcfghvchjm
  10. do you beleve fariy tales

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Quiz topic: Am I a mermaid You can find more quizzes like this one in our Mermaids Quiz category.