Are you a Mermaid?

Do you love mermaids? Do you feel like a mermaid? Take this quiz to find out your true self. There are 12 questions about you If you are a mermaid or not. Happy quiz taking!

This quiz includes many questions about mermaids. Depending on the choice you pick for each question, this quiz will calculate your results of being a mermaid or a human.

Created by: Alyssa

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  1. Have you noticed scales on your legs or arms?
  2. Have you noticed any signs of powers?
  3. Have you ever gotten moonstruck?
  4. Any signs of a tail?
  5. What feels like your home?
  6. Have you ever seen a mermaid?
  7. Do you believe?
  8. Do you like seafood?
  9. Do you have mermaid visions or dreams?
  10. Last question: What is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Mermaid?