are you a meme?

During the Holocaust, Anne Frank had trouble finding ways to pass time. One way she enjoyed was creating memes. This tradition has carried on throughout the years.

Now, it has come to you. Are you worthy of Anne Franks love and admiration? Are YOU a meme? We all know you must be wondering. Well, Now is your chance! Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: memer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are u cool?
  2. how much do u love memes
  3. harry awesomeday?
  4. r u gay lol
  5. doge meme
  6. why are we on this earth
  7. why are we alive
  8. guess ;)
  9. pick a smiley
  10. choose 1 :)))))

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Quiz topic: Am I a meme?