Are you a love dove?

There are many love doves in the world. A love dove loves thier partner and will never let him/her down. They are quite romantic. They care a whole lot about each other.

Are YOU a love dove? Do you have that romance inside of your body? You can just wonder right now but thanks to this quiz finding out if your a love dove is just around the corner.

Created by: Marissa
  1. It is your last day to live, what do you do?
  2. Have you had sex with your partner?
  3. Have you had a first kiss.
  4. If you said yes how was it? If you said no just leave blank.
  5. How long did it last?again if you said no leave blank.
  6. How many dates have you been on?
  7. Is he cute?
  8. Do you give each other presents?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Are you ready for the results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a love dove?