Are You a Japanese Lover?

Well this is a quiz showing how much Japanese do you have in your blood. Please take this quiz to find out. Please do not read the rest I will just talk gibberish, Andrew manga Naruto gaara kool.

Do you like manga like Naruto? Addicted to Japanese culture and people? Then take this quiz just please do not read the rest haha look a funny gibberash ha .

Created by: Andrew

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you read manga instead of typed books (manga novels do not count)?
  2. Do you know Japanese words?
  3. Did you ever go to japan?
  4. Did you ever eat Japanese dish's foe example sushi, noodls, low main?
  5. Have you ever been dressed japenese?
  6. Have you ever faked a photo of you going to japan?
  7. Do you have a japense freind?
  8. The big question: are you Japanese ;).

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Quiz topic: Am I a Japanese Lover?