are you a hot fuzz hot shot ?

so you think your a hot fuzz hot shot do you !! hot fuzz is a film about a police officer from london who gets tranceferd to the country to a town called sandford. there are a group of killers there who hide their murders cleverly, but not clever enough. officer angle will stop at nothing to catch them !!

so are you a hot fuzz hot shot take the quiz and find out!!!! tell your friends and test thier nollage at hot fuzz see if they can beat your score compete and see who is the biggest hot fuzz hot shot !! but hey it dont matter if you arent perfect because nobody is !! hope you like the quiz !!

Created by: jess
  1. who plays police officer angel in the movie?
  2. what type of plant does nicholas angel carry with him ?
  3. what was danny butterman's dad called ?
  4. which police service did nicholas peviosly work at ?
  5. which animal was nicholas and danny chasing throughout the film ?
  6. who plays the andies in the film ?
  7. ron cook plays who in the film ?
  8. which village does nicholas get transfered to ?
  9. at the end of the film which part of the body does danny get shot ?
  10. how did the first 2 people get killed ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a hot fuzz hot shot ?