Are You a Heroic Hamster or Villainous Vulture?

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Hi. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to compete on Total Drama All Stars? If you have you'll first need to worry what team you'll be on. Well this quiz has the answers.

First there's the Heroic Hamsters who are heroic and kind, they always help each other out in the challenges even though they're the inferior team. Then there's the Villainous Vultures who are... well villainous, they're STILL deciding who to be their leader and they're the superior team.

Created by: Nicola Alice Barnard
  1. If one of your friends trips and hurts themselves, what do you do?
  2. Would you steal?
  3. Would you save a life?
  4. If a rumour about one of your friends starts, what do you do?
  5. Are your friends nice or mean?
  6. Are you a social hero, lone hero, social villain or a lone villain?
  7. Bright colours, Dark colours or a little bit of both?
  8. What is your dream profession?
  9. Have you ever been doing something heroic?
  10. Which one do you think you'll get?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Heroic Hamster or Villainous Vulture?

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