Are you a gossiper

There are lots of people in the world who think theyre good friends but very few that actually are. This test wil prove if you dream of being a good friend or actually are one. Try this quiz yourself then on your friends and family and see who's the best good friend and bad gossiper.

are you a good friend?Do you have the Friendship skills to become the top friend?No-one knows but you. But thanks to this great quiz you may find out. Once completed you will find out if you can be the TOP friend

Created by: Laupomlau
  1. If your friend told you a secret and told you not to tell do you...
  2. You just found out that your best mate has a crush on the same person as you do you...
  3. If your friend came to school with horrid hair would you...
  4. If your having a birthday seepover and your friend brought a horror movie too watch but you were planning to watch a chick flick do you...
  5. In The canteen you hear two bullies being really mean about your bff do you...
  6. Your friend is MOVING but she waited 2 months to tell you and you only have 3 days warning do you..
  7. Youve been told off because you have the same WRONG answers as your mate. Your teacher thinks YOU copied DO YOU..
  8. You secretly love a show but your friend just said she hated that show do you...
  9. Your going on a school trip today and asked to bring 3 pounds for the gift shop but your friends forgot hers do you...
  10. If a boy that your mate fancies told you that he'd go on a date if she changed her style do you...

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Quiz topic: Am I a gossiper