Are you a good sister/brother?

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There are many brothers and sisters in the world, but could you be the nicest one? Afterall, brothers and sisters should always love eachother forever!

Are you a fabulous brother or sister? I dont know! Take this quiz and you will find out what you need to be doing better. Maybe is is playing, babysitting, or just plain taking care of? I DONT KNOW!!!

Created by: cute gal

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get food and water for your siblings if they need it?
  2. Do you babysit your siblings?
  3. Do you let your siblings watch the TV shows that they want to watch?
  4. Do you play with your siblings?
  5. How do entertain your siblings?
  6. how much do you love your siblings on a scale of one to anything?
  8. !!!!!OH!!!!!!! sorry! i fell asleep!!! Do you forgive me?
  9. How often do you fight with your siblings?
  10. Will you comment? (i will give you extra points ifyou say yes!!!)

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Quiz topic: Am I a good sister/brother?