are you a good singer quiz? | Comments

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  • Mmhmm...answer me this: If I'm apparently such a crappy singer then how did I mysteriously land myself a solo in my choir's upcoming concert when I was singing against 5 people that my choir teacher said were better than me? And how the hell did I mysteriously get placed in varsity choir to begin with. Because there are plenty of people in varsity choir without me. So,to sum up what I'm saying,you can't really make an ACCURATE quiz about singing if you don't know anything about me. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  • guys he/she obviously rigged it so you get this no matter what.

    simple test: Sing these lyrics in the tune of the song they're from.

    "You raise me up, so I can move mountains." if you can sing that without any cracks your can sing. This does;t determine how good or bad you are. Just determines id you have potential to sing.

  • you hate yourself because you can't sing? I took the quiz completely honestly and my friends always say how great of a singer I am. Seriously, do you think that every should suck just because you do?

  • If I'm such a bad singer, how the f--- can I do vibrato and play piano at the same time as singing and not get put off and hit a #C5??

  • My self-esteem just lowered even more.... -_-'

  • ??? i sing so great and i got 0 im guessing u got no talent

    swagg chick

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