Are you a good friend?

Do you want to see whether you are a good friend? Will your friend feel comfortable around you? You can change after discovering yourself. So, why don't you take this test honestly? Thank you for doing this quiz! Hope you will enjoy! ^^

So... are you a friend? Test yourself by trying to do this test! After all, if you are a friend you should not be too worried. Of course, you are recommended that this is not the only friendship test you take in case of inaccuracy.

Created by: supper with lemon
  1. Your friend almost gets hurt by a car, you...
  2. After a tiring 4 days lonely camp, you really feel like going home for a nap. Just then, your friend called you, crying, saying that he/she got dumped by his/her boy/girlfriend. You...
  3. You are given a project to do with 3 other people. Among 5 friends who want to work with you, you chose 2, but can only choose 3. The last one you choose is...
  4. You are going home with your 2nd best friend from somewhere. Suddenly, there was a heavy rain. Neither of you has an umbrella. You...
  5. You choose to...
  6. Define friendship
  7. Friendship is definitely...
  8. Your idea of fun is
  9. Will you choose to improve your relationship with your friend by supporting him in killing an ant or to protect the ant?
  10. If I were to say, "Do you want to be my friend?" the first day we meet, will you agree?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend?