Are you a good deer hunter?

Theres alot of smart people in this world and some idiots. People think being smart is a bad thing but its really not. Theres nothing wrong with being smart. People think they would get made fun of because their smart, but not everyone does. So hold your head up high because you have alot to look forward to in life.

Are you a smart person? Do you have the answers to these questions? Im sure you do. Are you up to find out your score? Or are you going to whimp out on all of us? Well dont because i know you can handle it! You will find out in a few minutes!

Created by: Ozzy ozzy wozzy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever shot a deer before?
  2. Have you ever gone ice fishing?
  4. Were just jokiing with those questions! heres a real question: Uhmm...lemme thiink??? Whats a deer? i srsly dont know! TELL MEE!
  5. Do you shoot them or do you love them?
  6. Do you guys love spongebob or hate him?
  7. out of questions so what are you guys doiing?
  8. 2+2= ?
  9. Im fer real thiis time?
  10. Austin and brie are the creators of thiis :) did you like this quiz?
  11. Did thiis quiz make you wanna punch babies?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good deer hunter?