Are you a furry or not?

This quiz is to see if you're a furry or not. I might mess up but meh who the hell cares lol, enjoy! Oh, alsooooooooo don't harass or bully anyone who is a furry irl. Ok, enjoy :3

(Also don't attack me for being a furry) wait wait. This is all a joke and don't take the answers personally, ok? K we got it, right?? Yea I trust y'all, Kay y'all can go, BAI SLAYS

Created by: Sunrise track
  1. Do u have a fur suit?
  2. Do you feel like joining the community?
  3. Do you wish to be a furry or are you already one? (like me :3)
  4. Are you enjoying this quiz so far?
  5. What will your fursona's personality be like?
  6. Will you quit being a furry (if you are one)
  7. Do you love your community?
  8. Are your friends furrys?
  9. What is your fursona?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a furry or not?
