Are you a follower, a leader or both?

I know that there are tons of Are you a follower or a leader quizzes out there, but this quiz has one extra result. You can be both a follower or a leader.

You might have just thought you could be either one of those but have you ever wondered if well, you were both a follower and a leader? This is a special follower or leader quiz because you can be half and half. Enjoy!

Created by: Sofia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Tell the truth in this quiz and you will get honest results.
  2. If there is a bully in your school/work what do you do?
  3. You hear a noise in your bedroom and nobody is home. What do you do?
  4. Your friend is a bad role model what do you do?
  5. Have people ever called you a follower or a leader?
  6. You broke the rules at school/work! What do you do?
  7. Do people think of you as a good role model?
  8. What do you like to do?
  9. What do you usually do on gotoquiz?
  10. Well bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I a follower, a leader or both?