Are you a Fairytalest?

Are you a Fairytalest? A Fairytalest is someone who loves fantasy, no, OBSESSED with fantasy. They will wholeheartedly believe in fairytales, such as pirates, mermaids, etc.

Take this quiz to find out if you are one! Possible answers include:- Yes!!! Definitely!!!- Ehh, Maybe...? - Nope! Please try to be happy with your answers, you can always take it again!

Created by: Emmy
  1. Do you like to read fantasy?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you daydream?
  3. Do you ever want to grow up?
  4. Your friends describe you as...
  5. Do you believe in fairytales?
  6. How many books do you read every month?
  7. Your live by motto?
  8. You are invited to go on a life-threatening quest in a different reality, do you go?
  9. Do YOU think you're a fairytalest?
  10. Do you like music?
  11. You wish to be...
  12. Lastly, did you like this quiz? (This will not affect your score).

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Quiz topic: Am I a Fairytalest?
