Are you a directioner

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There are a lot of one direction fans and every one calls them self a directioner - but do you (name here) have the power of what it takes to be called an official directioner??????

Are YOU a directioner with the knowledge and superior to complete this quiz and escape with little more than a craving to go to the computer and revise some facts about 1D??????

Created by: Lucy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who's music heroes are The Beatles and Coldplay
  2. Louis likes girls who eat.......
  3. Liam's favourite colour is.......
  4. Who can't swim
  5. Which one of these isn't a member
  6. What place did one direction come on the Xfactor
  7. Who owns a pair of pink strationers
  8. Who's middle name is Jawaad
  9. Did you know zayn's real name was Zain spelt with an ' I '
  10. What was their second single

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Quiz topic: Am I a directioner