Are you a Decepticon or not?

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I hope I don’t see any decepticons around here… luckily I created this test to see if you are one of the decepticons on my capture list… so basically… I am a small policeman on the go…

Hmmm… some Decepticons around here just be around… sometimes they can morph into people to disguise themselves and I will use this tracker to find them and see if that person is a Decepticon or not…

Created by: Ao100909
  1. Is H for Hat?
  2. Is Q for Queen?
  3. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
  4. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union?
  5. What is bugs bunny made by?
  6. What color is the sun?
  7. How many colors are in the rainbow?
  8. What shape is the yellow bird aka chuck from angry birds?
  9. Is Spiderman a good guy or a bad guy?
  10. Last question… is A for Autobot?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Decepticon or not?
