Are You a Chocolate Dragon?

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Are you wondering what dragon you are from my fandom? WELL TAKE THIS QUIZ!!! It's my first one so please no hate, I know it is kinda bad though sorry about that 😅

Well, go ahead and start! It's free anyways so go for it!!! Also, this did take me a while so please please pleaseeee don't tell me it's bad I already know..

Created by: M00
  1. Are you energetic?
  2. Are you rude?
  3. Do you stay up late?
  4. What's your favorite color out of these options?
  5. If you were to live anywhere, where would it be?
  6. Your friend is being bullied! And it's your best friend!!! What do you do?
  7. Your drowning! Now what?
  8. Your mother/father asks what you want for dinner, what do you say?
  9. Oh no! Your mom and dad are both about to die! But you can only save one! Who will it be?
  10. Someone challenges you! What do you do?
  11. Would you rather…
  12. How many friends do you have?
  13. Would you rather…
  14. Last question! 😊

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Quiz topic: Am I a Chocolate Dragon?
