Are You a Chinese Student?

There might be different views on Chinese students. Generally, being a Chinese student is quite competitive, and in most cases, considered to be industrious. However, based on different situations, it is not everyone of this kind that shows outstanding academic performances. Lacking of essential skepticism could be decisive.

Do YOU have the qualities of being a Chinese student kind? Will you be competitive if you were born in China? What do you think of yourself on studying abilities? Through this quiz, answers for these questions can be shown with incisive comments.

Created by: mr. Glaswep
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you run out of time in a test?
  2. When did you lost your virginity?
  3. Do you wear glasses?
  4. What do you think doing some exercises can help you with your exam performances?
  5. How do you discuss your teachers?
  6. How much students in your school are called nerds?
  7. How do you define "best friend(s)"?
  8. How do you feel right now about this quiz?
  9. Do you know what your life gonna be in 1 year?
  10. In what way do you think a school may mostly resembles a society?
  11. What do you think of the effects of your educations on your future?
  12. Do you relate students with a better reasoning ability to students who can be successful in the future?
  13. Do believe hardworking brings success?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Chinese Student?