Are you a bully or a bystander?

Bullies are a major problem in schools today. They come in many forms, and everyone has known at least one bully in their life. But are you a bully? Or do you think they stink?

Take this quiz, and you'll find out. Do you harass or help? Are you sassy or silent? Bullies are always insecure, and being a brat to others is how they obbtain power. So, ARE you a bully- or a bystander?

Created by: Stardust
  1. Your crush is talking badly about your best friend. You:
  2. Kelli is on a chatroom with you and Liv. But then Liv starts badmouthing Kelli. What do you do?
  3. Are you popular?
  4. Hannah has been bothering you lately. So...
  5. Julia just told Mark, the guy you're into, that you're really ugly. What do you tell Mark?
  6. You see a bunch of 8th graders pressuring Morgan to "take some shots with them." You:
  7. You've heard rumors that Natalie is getting sexually harassed by James. You:
  8. Helen says she likes Ken. You:
  9. Are you the kind of person who gets detention more than twice a month?
  10. Does being in school make you nervous or scared?
  11. Saftey in numbers?
  12. Mr. Smith is giving Michelle a hard time. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bully or a bystander?