Are you a bogger

You may want to know what a bogger is well basically its someone who says there letter 'o' really long they may also go into a shop and ask for 'a pound of sauseages' in a real bogger aksent i hope you get the idea

I hope this quiz helps you solve out are you a bogger or not i hope the right result turns out for you but if not its just the end of the world for you im sorry for you good luck

Created by: Lolly
  1. ...
  2. Are you
  3. Are you from
  4. what is a bog is
  5. Do you say
  6. Do live on a farm in ireland
  7. Is your name old fashioned (answer truthfully)
  8. Do you know were westhmeath is
  9. Do you drink
  10. Do you love farming

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Quiz topic: Am I a bogger