how much of a cheerleader are you

this quiz is going to tell you if you should be a cheerleader or not. If you were wondering if you would be a good cheerleader or not take this quiz and find out.

this quiz can be very helpful for people who are looking for a new sport to play and yes cheer is a sport. baseball players throw two pound balls we throw a hundred pound girls

Created by: tori
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like people
  2. do you have attitude
  3. are you flexible
  4. can you tumble
  5. are you good at hair
  6. are you strong
  7. would you like to be a base
  8. would you like to be a backspot
  9. would you like to be a flyer
  10. ok last question. do you like short skirts

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Quiz topic: How much of a cheerleader am I