Are you a BlackBerry or an Android?

Many debattes go on about Blackbery vs Android. It's a great debate, because the two are ismalar in price and popualrity, but so different in style and design.

So what would suit YOU the best? Take this fun quiz to find out what is best for you. And at the end, you will be able to walk away, with your opinion on what ir best. Go on, try it!

Created by: Charlotte
  1. Do you like on-the-ball fast, responsive phones?
  2. Do you like App markets?
  3. Do you like a vary of generations for each phone? I.E. iPhone 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S
  4. Do you like a pre-installed free chatting app for your phone (i.e. BBM)?
  5. What applacation type would you use most?
  6. What type of e-mail applacation do you prefer?
  7. What;s your favourite colour?
  8. What size keys do you prefer?
  9. Do you like tablets made for your phone brand?
  10. Finaly, did you enjoy this quiz? (No effect on result!)

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Quiz topic: Am I a BlackBerry or an Android?