are we similar?

Hello, welcome to my quiz. I started with hello again. That is ridiculous. ¡Hola! Bonjour! Welcome to this quiz where you will be asked quizzical questions because it is a quiz. Are you sitting comfortably, then let's begin...

Or I would do if I didn't have to type another paragraph. So a few quick things, age and gender don't affect anything because I find that unfair. People can have the same personalities no matter how old or who they were born as. So let's begin now. ¡Vamos!

Created by: Some person
  1. Hello, how's life? Okay, what do you prefer?
  2. What do you prefer? (You can obviously tell I'm still in school)
  3. Another crazy question from me, a random stranger (who is really sounding very teenagery)(teenagery? ish?) Anyway, what type of coat do you like?
  4. Would you consider yourself a romantic? You know, like, poetry and stuff, and happy endings
  5. What is your favourite elementy thing, you know? The thing there are a million quizzes about. Well, not a million but you get the idea. Sorry I obviously can't fit them all in
  6. Which thing are these song lyrics from (I've had this song in my head for 3 days, I've memorised the whole thing) Here it is "yet the waters ever change, flowing like time"
  7. So, hi, people... um... what do you prefer, Romantic or Germanic languages?
  8. Ooh, this question. Hi. You might bias this question whether or not you want to be like me. I don't really mind whether you do or not as long as you don't think has been a waste of time.(it's not over yet) but anyway, you blabber on when you are typing like this amd/or are you quiet with other people?
  9. A question! So, here we go with this not so inconspicuos question I am thinking of in the phrontistery of my brain. (Note to self:stop saying phrontistery) So, which is your best trait?
  10. Final question of the day or night or whenever you're doing this quiz that exists on the internet for anybody to use. What is your opinion on French?

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