are u random???

this quiz tells you if YOU are really as random as you say you are........Take this quiz its really really really really really really really really raelly really interesting AND FUN <dont take the results personality its just 4 fun!!!!>

in a few moments YOU will know if your really as random as you say you are! TAKE IT ITS FUN! :P did you like it??? oh wait idk i just have to fill this thing up so yea i dont know what to say except ENJOY!! <33 peace out!

Created by: B-bop

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick one of these words FAST!!!!
  2. what's your FAVORITE animal out of the following???
  3. Pick a letter!
  4. pick a item......
  5. Do you like this quiz????
  6. are you sure
  7. do u love me?
  8. i am out of Questions..... are you a virgin???
  9. is this boring?
  10. ru sure???

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