are u a vampire??

are u a bloodsucker find out now cause if u do not u will regrete it! im not joking u could be a vampire and not even fing out know vause its ur only chance

are u a parasite do u drink bllod?well figure it out cause i would and i(oh wait i already know the quiz)then nvm i guess lol just find out cause im wating to see if ur my friend or think u know me u should know cause im obsseded with vampires

Created by: jane
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u like blood?
  2. would u date bella/edward
  3. why did u chooes edward/bella
  4. would u drink blood if some one offred it to u?
  5. would u go hunting and eat ur catch raw
  6. is this test ok(no effect)
  7. do u think ur a vampire?
  8. do u like twilight and want to be a vampire
  9. if u think ur a vampire who? (none of these are results)
  10. when u smell blood what do u do?

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