anime heaven who will u get nautro

hey who said u cant live like an anime. do u think u have a chance with one of them maybe u could end up with kiba or saske what cis anime its japaness animation

u want to know wat it is wll ummm im very knew at this if u take it u will be pleasedor not pleased but to this quizz u canexplore all kinds of stuff

Created by: Erin Zell
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is ur fav colar
  2. what is ur fav movie
  3. what ur fav place to go
  4. what ur fav anime chariter
  5. wht color hair do u have
  6. wta color eyes
  7. do u have braces or no braces
  8. will u rate this quizz
  9. do u like this quizz
  10. do u like anime
  11. do u like cheese

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