am i too fat or too skinny

if your fat u need to work out to work out u go to a local gym and then u get leasons or a personal trainer to help u work of some swaet also dont try to over work urself by passing out if u feel sick dissy or maby dry throught sit down and get some water

if u think ur able to beat my test then u will if you dont then dont try my test and its alrigh to fail or be fat im not juging anyonedont try to take the test if u know ur are fat or to skinny remamber some times u have to be afrade to look at ur self in the mirror

Created by: kristen
  1. do u go outside to talk walks
  2. do u think ur fat or skinny
  3. how much do u way
  4. whats ur favorite resterount
  5. do u like be naked
  6. what do ur friends think about ur body
  7. can u see your bones
  8. do u like your body
  9. do u eat healthy
  10. do u like this test

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