Am I fat quiz 🤔 | Comments

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  • This is a terrible quiz! It triggered my PTSD! It asked how many hotdogs I can eat, and trust me, ask an albino or anyone i worked with, I CAN EAT ALL THE HOTDOGS (wink wink) I'M TALKING ABOUT PENIS. I am 89 and it told me that I am average fat. Some colored lady must have made this just to cope with her obesity. Shame! And to think those people want equality. I need to go away and take a break from this damn computer so I can go out of retirement. If any of you have agents for AdUklt movies (wink). -Eunice :)

    Eunice has a dog
  • Terrible quiz! You have awful grammar! You used the wrong “your/you’re” in the description (you said “if your fat” it’s “if you’re fat” because you’re stands for you are your means belonging to you) and in question three as a answer you have “there not yours” it’s “they’re not yours” because they’re stands for they are there means a place. And btw their means belonging to. You also forgot the apostrophe in I’m in one question and probably more errors but I gtg. Bye. Btw, I am a grammar nut a math nerd and a book worm and I was in the spelling bee last year (4th grade!) soo I correct everybody’s grammar but the worst problem is that the results are wrong I’m skinny but I eat a lot (a LOT) well bye hope your next quiz is better and you don’t use a bunch of emojis like a noob because you couldn’t think of anything better to put in the description and probably the results. Sorry for my negative comments. Bye.

  • Terrible quiz! You have awful grammar! You used the wrong “your/you’re” in the description (you said “if your fat” it’s “if you’re fat” because you’re stands for you are your means belonging to you) and in question three as a answer you have “there not yours” it’s “they’re not yours” because they’re stands for they are there means a place. And btw their means belonging to. You also forgot the apostrophe in I’m in one question and probably more errors but I gtg. Bye. Btw, I am a grammar nut a math nerd and a book worm and I was in the spelling bee last year (4th grade!) soo I correct everybody’s grammar but the worst problem is that the results are wrong I’m skinny but I eat a lot (a LOT) well bye hope your next quiz is better and you don’t use a bunch of emojis like a noob because you couldn’t think of anything better to put in the description and probably the results. Sorry for my negative comments. Bye.


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