am i aromantic?

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hello, there. this is the aromantic quiz. it will help you determine whether you are aromantic or not. i hope this helps you figure out your identity, and maybe help your confidence.

REMEMBER! this quiz is NOT 100% accurate! please don’t take any of this too seriously. it’s not like i know your brain and your thoughts. i might be wrong, but i tried to make it as accurate as possible.

Created by: amelia_tests
  1. have you felt romantic attraction before?
  2. would you be interested in a romantic relationship?
  3. how often do you question whether you’re aromantic or not?
  4. are you asexual?
  5. do you often think about you getting married?
  6. do you get bored when people bring up their love lives?
  7. have you ever wondered if there’s something wrong with you by not developing crushes? (there isn’t, by the way.)
  8. do you like watching/reading romance?
  9. how often are you asked why you aren’t dating?
  10. do you think you’re aromantic?
  11. ready to see your results? click submit!

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