Am I a Christian?

Many people believe in Jesus, but some don't. In order to be a fully-engaged follower of Christ you must be fully committed, it's not hard you just have to believe!

Are you a true Christian? Is the Bible full of only truth in your mind? Would you lay down your life to defend your faith? Take this quiz to find out where you stand on your faith journey!

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in God?
  2. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ?
  3. Would you die defending your faith?
  4. If your friends asked you if you were a Christian, what would you say?
  5. Are you offended by some of the things considered as sins. And are you aware that God will still love you and still be with you as long as you ask him?
  6. Do you believe that everything in the Bible is true?
  7. Your teacher talks about evolution...what do you say?
  8. Do "nice" people who don't believe in Jesus really go to Hell?
  9. Your struggling with sin and you listen to what the world tells you know you can repent and be forgiven...or do you want to dwell in your happiness of sin?
  10. Will you go against the world and not be of it? Will you stand for Jesus Christ?

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