Alone part 1(girls only)

There are four guys.This part only has 3.I`ll give you the fourth guy in part 4.Whitch will be out in like ummm i don`t know when it`ll be out.So just Enjoy the quiz!

Well this is my first time making a quiz.So please rate high!My full name is Samantha Jamie Mays.My dad IS Billy Mays!I know I am lucky aren`t I?See you in part 2!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Samantha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your going to bed and you get knocked out by the "thing" in the window.When you wake up you see one boy standing before you."Hi my name is Tyler."He says."What`s yours?""It`s _______."You reply."You have a uquie name ________.""Thanks."You reply.
  2. "Where am I?"You ask Tyler."Your in the wonderlands where whatever you want you get just say it."Tyler says.One of the other boys walk in"Hey Dominic."Tyler says."Yo."He says.You giggle.
  3. "So whered you come from?"The other boy says."Home....?"You say."yeah thats where we all come from"He glares at you and says:"Once"
  4. Thats all sorry.Part 2 will have a Lot more stuff just look for.Alone part 2(girls only).
  5. In part 2 you`ll find out what Seth meens by:Once:
  6. Beeeeeeeeeeeep
  7. In part 4 you`ll find out who james is.
  8. Bop
  9. sooooo
  10. Who do you like so far?

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