Advanced Otaku Quiz

I got sick of all the mediocre Otaku quizzes out there. so I decided to make one I thought might actually be challenging. So if you dare try out mine.

From classics mangaka's and Directors to recent seiyuus and artist. test your knowledge on Seinen Sci-fi with a few other things thrown in. please enjoy!

Created by: SilentGenie880
  1. Who is the mangaka known as the "father of manga"?
  2. Junji Ito is famous for what genre?
  3. Tsutome Nihei is well known in the cyberpunk and sci-fi fanbase. Out of the following, which is not one of his works?
  4. Which samurai manga loosely based on life of the historical figure Miyamoto Musashi?
  5. Which of Hayao Miyazaki's films predates Studio Ghibli?
  6. Which mangaka is well known for his unique art style found in Tekkonkinkreet, Sunny and Blue Spring?
  7. Who is the writer behind Sanctuary and Fist of the North Star?
  8. who was the director for Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers and Perfect Blue?
  9. Which character is not voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi?
  10. Akira was done publishing in what year?

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